Main activities
Project LIFE FRANCA (video in Italian)
Project LIFE FRANCA (video in Italian)
Strategic scenarios
Flood hazard in Rendena valley (video in Italian)
Rendena valley: territory and flood hazard
Flood hazard in Borgo Valsugana (video in Italian)
Borgo: territory and flood hazard
Flood hazard in Trento (video in Italian)
Trento: territory and flood hazard
Are you afraid of floods? (video in Italian)
Answer from citizens
Flood risk in Trento (video in Italian)
Answer from experts
Flood maps
Flood hazards maps in Trentino
Trento, 6 December 2019
LIFE FRANCA final press conference
Trento, 2 Decembere 2019
Exhibition “Nature in motion. Anticipating floods”
Trento, Bocenago e Borgo Valsugana
Teachers refresher course “Flood defence”
Trento, 27 November 2019
Third cycle of science café events: Nature in motion. Anticipating floods
Trento, 7, 14 e 21 November 2019
International conference Anticipation and communication of natural risks
Trento, 20 e 21 October 2019
LIFE FRANCA at the European Researcher’s night 2019
Trento, 27 September 2019
Training course Knowing and living with hydrogeological risk: from phenomenology to managing. The example of the october 2018 event.
Malè (TN), 13 September 2019
Discussion and talk Communication of natural risks. From climate change to floods
Trento, 25 January 2019
Second cycle of science café Nature in motion . Let’s protect ourselves from floods
Trento, 28 November, 5 and 12 December 2018
Training course Knowing and living with hydrogeological risk: from phenomenology to managing. The example of the recent event in Moena
Moena (TN), 23 November 2018
Second edition of the training course Knowing, communicating and managing the hydrogeological risk in alpine environment
Borgo Valsugana, 12 October 018
Itinerant exhibition Nature in motion. Avalanches, landslides and floods: knowing is preventing
Trento, Ferrara, Bocenago and Borgo Valsugana, 2018
LIFE FRANCA at the European researchers’ night
Trento, 28 September 2018
Eduational visit for journalists in LIFE FRANCA study areas
Borgo Valsugana and Trento, 7 September 2018
LIFE FRANCA at the workshop a Governance H3O
Orvieto, 8 June 2018
First cycle of science café Nature in motion. Avalanches, landslides and floods: knowing is preventing
Trento, 2, 16 e 30 May 2018
LIFE FRANCA at the fair We are Europe 2018
Trento, 26 and 27 May 2018
Strategic scenarios constuction with participants at the LIFE FRANCA national conference
Trento, 20 April 2018
3 horizons workshops with participants at the LIFE FRANCA national conference
Trento, 18 April 2018
Educational activity ArduRiver with students from schools in Trento Liceo Scientifico G.Galilei e ITT Buonarroti-Pozzo
Trento, March and April 2018
3 horizons workshops with Commissione Urbanistica of Trento city council
Trento, 4 April 2018
3 horizons workshops with fire department volunteers
Trento, 27 March and 3 April 2018
3 horizons workshops with Trentino natural sciences association
Trento, 21 March 2018
3 horizons workshops in Borgo Valsugana
Borgo Valsugana, 12 March 2018
3 horizons workshops in Borgo Valsugana
Borgo Valsugana, 8 March 2018
3 horizons workshops with Trilogis
Rovereto, 26 February 2018
Training course Knowing, communicating and managing the hydrogeological risk in alpine environment
Trento, 7 and 15 February 2018
3 horizons workshop with Eastern Alps Hydrographic District
Trento, 14 February 2018
Educational activity Know your territory: is there any hazard?
Trento, 31 January 2018
3 horizons workshop with teachers
Trento, 29 January 2018
3 horizons workshop with MUSE science educators
Trento, 11 December 2017
Second LIFE FRANCA press conference
Trento, 10 November 2017
Teacher’s training course Hydrogeolocial risk: shifting for emergency to ancipation
Trento, October 2017
First 3 horizon workshop with engineering student s
Trento, 24 October 2017
Educational activity Floods: how to defend ourselves?
Trento, 13 ottobre 2017
UNESCO International disaster reduction day at the MUSE
Trento, 13 October 2017
LIFE FRANCA a the European researchers night
Trento, 29 September 2017
Presentation of LIFE FRANCA educational programme to teachers
Trento, 18 e 19 September 2017
LIFE FRANCA at the LIFE platform meeting on urban climate action
Barcellona, 21 e 22 June 2017
LIFE FRANCA at the conference organised with ItaliaSicura “Progettare l’assetto idrogeologico”
Trento, 19 June 2017
Meeting with other LIFE projects: LIFE RII and LIFE RINASCE
Modena e Reggio Emilia, 13 June 2017
LIFE FRANCA at the professional association of Engineers
Trento, 1 Giugno 2017
LIFE FRANCA at the conference “Adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici: le esperienze e le opportunità dei progetti LIFE in Italia”
Roma, 24 May 2017
LIFE FRANCA at the fair We are Europe
Trento, 13 e 14 May 2017
LIFE FRANCA teams visit the exhibition November 1966
Gallerie di Piedicastello – Trento, 8 March 2017
First pubic event as launch of the project
Trento, 24 November 2017
First press conference
Trento, 22 novembre 2016
Il progetto LIFE FRANCA
- Project brochure – DOWNLOAD PDF
- Layman’s report – READ PDF
Flood risk communication
- Guidelines for flood risk communication, texts by Giancarlo Sturloni and the Service for Torrent Control of the Autonomous Province of Trento DOWNLOAD PDF
About anticipation
About the LIFE programme
Deliverables and annexes
ACTION E1 – Education & Communication
E1.1_ E1.2 First national press conference and public event_E1.1 Milestone website
E1.3_E1.4 Project of educational laboratory and teacher training course_E1.2 Milestone Video
E1.5 Preliminary program for three InstantExhibition
E1.6 Preliminary programme of Science Cafees
E1.7 Materials and logistic for educational visit
E1.8 Programme of Science cafè
E1.9 Project for Three instant – itinerant exhibitions
E1.10 Laymans report ENG
E1.10 Laymans report ITA
E1.1 Visual Identity LifeFranca
E1.2 Flyer LifeFranca Italian
E1.3 Noticeboard placement
E1.4 Flyer LifeFranca English
E1.5 IBSE activity project
E1.6 PlayDecide activity project
E1.7 Arduino activity project
E1.8 SOS Alluvioni&co. Project
E1.9 Teacher’s course programme
E1.10 MUSE educational programme
E1.11 Conferences “Le grandi Frane del Trentino”
E1.12 Article about LifeFranca on “Strenna MUSE 2017”
E1.13 Teacher’course report and evaluation
E1.14 Examples of evaluation questionnaires for educational activities
E1.15 Exhibition “La natura in movimento” flyer
E1.16 Exhibition “La natura in movimento” A3 poster
E1.17 LifeFranca press review
E1.18 La natura in movimento1_panels
E1.19 Educational visit for journalist_programme
E1.20 La Natura in movimento2-science café_flyer
E1.21La Natura in movimento2-science café_A3
E1.22 Article on “Strenna MUSE 2018”
E1.23 Comunicare i rischi naturali_A3
E1.24 La Natura in movimento2-exhibition_flyer
E1.25 La Natura in movimento2-exhibition_panels
E1.26 La Natura in movimento3_flyer
E1.27 La Natura in movimento3_A3
E1.28 Final event_flyer
E1.29 Final event_A3
E1.30 La Natura in movimento3-exhibition_panels