CittadiniThe main objective of LIFE FRANCA is to promote a culture of flood risk anticipation in the Alps and prepare the population to deal with disasters through a process that involves the participation of the public, specialists and administrators.

With the goal of consciously looking towards the future and becoming familiar with the anticipation method, LIFE FRANCA will organise a series of focus groups involving citizens in the three study areas: Trento, Borgo Valsugana and the municipalities of the Rendena Valley.
During these meetings, methods for developing possible future flood scenarios will be introduced and participants will be involved in preparedness exercises.

During the project, 42 focus groups have been organised with over 460 people including students, teachers, administrators, volunteers and professionals from various sectors.

First  group con  with students from the University of Trento

The future exercises are inspired by the so-called paradigm of the Three Horizons, which allows us to visualise possible futures and their relative consequences, anticipating possible answers or strategies to prepare ourselves in the best possible way.
The participants in the focus groups shared concerns (1st horizon) about what is not working in terms of communication and anticipation of risks, defined aspirations (3rd horizon) regarding 2040 and identified innovations and possible allies (2nd horizon), to develop today in order to fulfil these aspirations.
Almost 2000 ideas were collected.

For more information on focus groups, please visit the relative page of the website in Italian.